Submitting reviews on Piazza

To submit your reviews, which will by default be shared only with the instructor, please follow the following format:

1. New post - select type to be Note

2. Post to - select instructors (which is default)

3. Select folders - select tag of reading (readingX), where X is the week number.

4. Summary - Use title with prefix "[Reviews]".  The format looks like:

    [Reviews] readingX review by (your name)

5. Post the paper review in Details box.

To submit your brief selected discussion points, which will be shared with the entire class, please follow the following format:

1. New post - select type to be Note

2. Post to - select instructors (which is default)

3. Select folders - select tag of reading (readingX), where X is the week number.

4. Summary - Use title with prefix "[Discussion]".  The format looks like:

    [Discussion] weekX discussion by (your name)

5. Post your discussion points in Details box.