locally, Infer Globally: a Space-Time MRF for Detecting Abnormal
Activities with Incremental Updates
Jaechul Kim and Kristen Grauman
Problem Statement
- Detection of abnormal activities in
an unsupervised manner.
- Statistical approach: abnormality is
defined as
unseen or rarely occurring events.
Main Challenges
- How to discriminate a truly
abnormal event from noisy normal observations?
- How
to incrementally update the statistical model of abnormality
when visual context in a scene changes over time?
Overview of the Algorithm
![Overview of the
Figure 1. System overview
Algorithm Details
- Motion representation
Histogram of optical flows
(HOFs) are used at each local region in the video frame.
Figure 2. Histogram of optical flows
- Learning of motion patter
- Mixture of probabilistic principal component
analyzers (MPPCA) are adopted to encode HOF patterns at each local region.
- EM is used to learn the initial MPPCA model.
(Afterwards, the MPPCA model is incrementally updated as new
data come in.)
- Inference of abnormal activities in space-time
- Given the
probabilities of current observations at individual local
regions (i.e., node potential functions in MRF graph) as well
as at pair-wise neighbor local regions (i.e., pair-wise
potential functions in MRF graph), both of which are assigned
by the learned MPPCA model, we infer whether observation at
each local region is normal or abnormal.
- For inference,
belief propagation is used to find the maximum a posterior
(MAP) for the given observations.
- Incremental update
- As new data stream in, MPPCA
parameters are updated using a closed-form equation.
- Parameters
MRF graphs are also updated according to the updated MPPCA
- Algorithm was tested for over two hours of
surveillance videos at a subway station.
- For every input frame, 10 most
recent frames are used to build space-time MRF and MAP
inference is carried out using belief propagation.
- Examples of the detected abnormal events: [demo
Figure 3. Snapshots of the detected abnormal events in subway
- Advantages of the space-time MRF
(a) Crowded but otherwise normal
scene (b) A
person gets off the
(c) A person abruptly stops walking,
and then gets on the train very
and changes his direction.
Figure 4. Examples showing advantages of space-time
MRF formulation for abnormal events detection
localization by dividing the clip into local regions
- Robust to noise
in the crowded scene: As seen in Figure 4 (a), our system does
not produce false alarms in the noisy crowded scene because
noise is confined at each local region level, not being
accumulated in the entire clip.
- Enhanced detection resolution: As seen in
Figure 4 (b), our system can detect abnormal events happening
at the small scale.
Advantages from
localization by dividing the clip into local regions
- Pure local methods (i.e., no
space-time association between local events) fail to detect
abnormal activities with irregular temporal orderings as shown in Figure 4 (c),
while our system can do.
- An effect of incremental learning
(a) Frame number 75,381
(b) Frame number 98,104
Figure 5. An effect of incremental learning. A movement from the right entrance to the gate is at
first detected as “abnormal” at (a) because many of the most
recent motions were along another path.
Later, the same type of movement is correctly detected as “normal”
at (b) since several similar observations are accumulated in
between (a) and (b).
- Quntitative results
- Numbers in parentheses
denote count for each abnormal activity in the ground truth.
The first number in the slash (/) denotes the entrance gate
video result; the second is for the exit gate video result.
- Please note that there are only minor
differences in detection accuracy and false alarm rates
between the batch baseline and our incremental scheme, while
our method can update the model parameters in an online
fashion whenever new data come in.
- We proposed a space-time
MRF for detecting abnormal activities that combines the
advantages of both local and global approaches: not only can
the method localize abnormalities even in the crowded scenes,
but it can also capture irregular interactions between local
activities in a global sense
- We demonstrated incremental real-time updates
to adapt the system to visual context changes over time.
Jaechul Kim
and Kristen Grauman, Observe locally, Infer Globally:
a Space-Time MRF for Detecting Abnormal Activities with Incremental
Updates, In
Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision and
Pattern Recognition (CVPR), Jun. 2009. [pdf] [data] [demo]