Switch-a-View: Few-Shot View Selection Learned from Edited Videos

Sagnik Majumder1, Tushar Nagarajan1, Ziad Al-Halah2, Kristen Grauman1
1UT Austin,2U. Utah
In submission.

We introduce Switch-a-View, a model that learns to automatically select the viewpoint to display at each timepoint when creating a how-to video. The key insight of our approach is how to train such a model from unlabeled--but human-edited--video samples. We pose a pretext task that pseudo-labels segments in the training videos for their primary viewpoint (egocentric or exocentric), and then discovers the patterns between those view-switch moments on the one hand and the visual and spoken content in the how-to video on the other hand. Armed with this predictor, our model then takes an unseen multi-view video as input and orchestrates which viewpoint should be displayed when. We further introduce a few-shot training setting that permits steering the model towards a new data domain. We demonstrate our idea on a variety of real-world video from HowTo100M and Ego-Exo4D and rigorously validate its advantages.

Qualitative Results

Task and model description, prediction examples and failure cases.


  author       = {Sagnik Majumder and Tushar Nagarajan and Ziad Al-Halah and Kristen Grauman},
  title        = {Switch-a-View: Few-Shot View Selection Learned from Edited Videos},
  year         = {2024},
  eprint       = {arXiv:2412.18386},
  archivePrefix = {arXiv},
  primaryClass = {cs.CV},


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